Our BS Chemistry program begins with an introductory freshman course, Chemistry 40 & 41, enhanced by an integrated, advanced laboratory, including extensive workstation-based molecular modeling and computer-interfaced experiments. This course, which averages 30 students, is designed specifically for those considering the pursuit of chemistry-oriented degrees. The course work in the first three years offers an introduction to the breadth of the classical areas of chemistry. The fourth year is largely open for specialization in topics that may be integrated with graduate level course work or courses outside chemistry, such as business. Senior undergraduates typically join research groups, but highly motivated students may begin research earlier, even in their freshman year. The Chemistry Department participates in the existing university Co-op Program, and study abroad is best done in the junior year. Degrees in chemistry are offered in both the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering and Applied Science, while biochemistry degrees are offered in Arts and Sciences only. Some students with significant advanced placement have completed B.S./M.S. programs in four years, including two summers. The environment and opportunities at Lehigh combine to produce successful chemists who are well-prepared to start satisfying careers.

Click here to view the Chemistry BS degree requirements

See BA in Chemistry for the BA requirements.