Molecular Assembly, Materials and Nanoscience

The assembly of molecular building blocks to form nanostructures and extended solids that can function as materials with useful properties is an important theme in the Department of Chemistry. This research encompasses the assembly of molecular solids with electronic conductivity, the condensation of molecular precursors to form covalent, porous organic polymers for gas separation and water purification, and the synthesis of nanoparticles and nanoporous structures of ultra-hard materials at extreme pressure. Our faculty both develops new materials through assembly and evaluates the electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties of molecular assemblies and low-dimensional nanomaterials for a range of applications with a key focus on molecular electronics and photovoltaics. The experimental characterization with the resolution of a few nanometers is complemented by computational studies and simulations that probe the fundamentals of nanoscience.

Research Interests:
- Surface chemistry
- Nanomaterials chemistry
- Metals and metal oxides
- Polymer interfaces

Research Interests:
- theoretical and computational chemistry
- electronic structure
- disorder in materials
- photochemistry
- catalysis
- nanoscience

Research Interests:
- materials chemistry
- solid state chemistry
- gas separations
- high-pressure chemistry
- nanoporous materials
- electrochemistry
Research Interests:
- Analytical chemistry
- Lipids and membranes
- Biosensors
- Microfluidics

Research Interests:
- Chemical Analysis
- Infrared Microscopy
- Peak Force Infrared Microscopy
- Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Time-Resolved Spectroscopy

Research Interests:
- Photochemistry
- Proton-coupled electron transfer
- Spectroscopy
- Solar energy
- Physical chemistry