A minor in chemistry may be achieved by completing the following requirements.
Click here for the form to declare a Chemistry minor
Requirements for Minor
- CHM 31 (Chemical Equilibria in Aqueous Systems) or CHM 41 (Honors General Chemistry II) (4 credits) [note 1]
- CHM 110 (Organic Chemistry I) (3 credits)
- CHM 111 (Organic Chemistry Laboratory I) (1 credits)
- CHM 332 (Analytical Chemistry) (3 credits)
- CHM 342 (Thermodynamics & Kinetics) (3 credits) [note 2]
- CHM 343 (Physical Chemistry Laboratory) (2 credits) [note 3]
for a total of at least 16 Total Credits
- Prerequisite of ( CHM 030 or CHM 040) and corequisite of (MATH 21 or MATH 31 or MATH 51 or MATH 76)
- Prerequisites of (CHM 031 or CHM 041) and MATH 021 or MATH 51) and (MATH 022 or MATH 32 or MATH 52) and (PHY 013 or PHY 021).
- Prerequisite of CHM 342.
- Students who wish to minor in chemistry but whose major program requires any of the above courses may achieve the minor with substitutions approved by the department chair.
For more information about the minor, please contact:
Dr. Elizabeth Young
Mudd 597
(610) 758-5753