"Laboratory Astrochemistry Studies of Transient Radicals and Intermediates"
The exotic molecules and chemistry observed by astronomers in astrophysical objects have challenged chemists to rethink the molecular synthesis playbook. The extreme conditions in space—for example, temperatures that can go as low as 10 K—must be considered when seeking insight into the prevailing reaction mechanisms. In the absence of significant thermal energy, weakly bound complexes that would normally dissociate rapidly under terrestrial conditions now become temporary sinks for astrochemicals and could ultimately direct the chemistry occurring in low-temperature, low-density environments. In this presentation, I will share the experimental detections we have made of weakly bound complexes and intermediates in hydrocarbon radical reactions using matrix-isolation spectroscopy and synchrotron-based photoionization mass spectrometry. The relevance of these unstable species will be discussed in terms of their application to astrochemistry and combustion chemistry.